

A singer is a person who sings. Anyone who is singing is a singer. Some people do it as a job (professional singer), others may sing without being paid (amateur singer). Singers may sing anything: song, opera, etc. They may be accompanied by an instrument or an orhchestra. Some singers also play a musical instrument such as piano, guitar or harp while they sing (they accompany themselves). 
Singers can sing as a solo, or in a group or a choir. Choirs can include gospel, church music and even pop songs where there are usually two groups of singers, soprano and alto. Sopranos have a higher range and altos have a lower range. Combining these two can create various harmonies which add textures to songs and make them more interesting to listen to.
People may want to sing for a variety of reasons. They may wish to express their emotions to others. They could be happy, sad, excited, frustrated, or angry about something. Singing is an art form in which the voice expresses mood.

Singing with Passion

Music is a magical gift that we must nourish and cultivate in ourselves and our children; a gift that continues to give throughout our lives. Learning music can have a significant impact on a child’s social, cognitive, and communicative development.
Our one-of-a-kind voice lessons have been specially designed for students of various ages. These lessons will assist you in improving your performance skills and becoming a better musician.
We train and support students who want to improve their confidence and vocal and performing skills.
voice lessons
El Elyon 15 - Singer [ Amanda ]

Private Singing Lessons

The vocal lessons help you, as a singer, to achieve a finer grasp of a musical style, apt performance techniques, focus, proper articulation, and delivery. You will learn how to use proper breath support, increase vocal range, sing with ease and clarity and learn to project your voice.

When coming to voice lessons be prepared to leave your nerves at home. Voice instructors will help build your confidence. They are here to help you discover any strengths and weaknesses and from there you will build. Your instructor will find any specific issues you would want to overcome. Lessons will help you build strength and vocal range. Something most people don’t realize is how many vocal lessons can improve speech. It can help teach and improve pronunciation and projection. Voice lessons can help you with any audition prep and even musical theater.


Most frequent questions and answers

We offered piano lessons to student age  +3. Don’t forget we also have our Little Musicians program for the little once! 

We offer Private Lessons and Group Lessons. Contact us to know more about these two modalities we have to offer you!

On registration, we accepted all payment methods:

  1. Out of pocket
  2. Debit Card
  3. Credit Card

After registration, all payment must be completed through automated payment.

Depends if it is Private Lesson or Group Lessons, we have many Schedules available.

Lets stay in touch!

Yes. Even if you don’t have a musical background you can ask the teacher for advice on how to help your child practice. By simply monitoring that they are doing exercises a certain number of times per day the student will progress. Our teachers are very happy to help to ensure our students get off to a great start!

Just visit our Register Online section or call us at +1 936 427 2221

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